Day 47/84 BFL C1
Body-for-Life start date: 4/10/5
Starting stats:
Main Goals for the 12 weeks:
Progress thus far (Day 47):
- 5ft tall
- 128 - 130 lbs
- BMI – 25
- Body Fat – 30%
- Thighs – 23 inches
- Waist – 32 inches
- Hips – 38 inches
Main Goals for the 12 weeks:
- Lose 10 lbs fat and gain 5 lbs muscle
- Go from 30% BF to 18%
- Get a 26 inch waist
- QUIT SMOKING – for good
Progress thus far (Day 47):
- Weight – 121 lbs
- BMI – 23.6
- Thighs – 21 inches
- Waist – 29 ½ inches
- Hips – 36 ½ inches
- still smoking :(
Supplements used:
- Myoplex Lite protein shakes (Vanilla)
- Udo’s Flaxseed oil
- Betagen
Not bad for 47 days, eh? Of course, the scale wavers alot depending on the time of day (or month :)) I try not to be a scale-slave, but I just can’t help it. My rational mind tells me that muscle weighs more than fat and that since I’m gaining muscle, it’s ok that I haven’t lost more “weight”…but every morning finds me comparing the scales at work to find the nicest one. There’s one scale…we’ll call him Steve (names have been changed to protect the innocent)…most days he is good to me, but every now and then he lies, we fight, and I ignore him until the next day when we make nice and start all over again. The point is, I think it’s ok to weigh yourself as long as you realize that it’s only a number. A number that is far too affected by water, food consumption, and stylish, but heavy shoes.
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