Fitness Update
The pull-up contest and the marathon are both looming in the not-distant-enough distance, and as you can imagine, this whole stop-smoking thing has kinda sorta messed up my work-out routine. I'm still exercising, but really, it's feeble and not regular enough. (Don't cry for me, Argentina, my left bicep is still hotty-po-totty.) I've lost weight because the meds I'm on kill the appetite. Which really throws a wrench into the whole "eating six times a day" thing. You'd think you could force it, but that just builds resentment between you and your healthy food. So, I'm still pluggin' away as much as I can right now. And breathing a tincey bit easier, thank you. And as much as I really do want a new shoe reward, I have instead, booked an hour massage for the upcoming weekend. It's supposed to get the toxins outta my system. It really works, people. A couple of years ago, I had a half hour back massage, and I was warned I might get sick afterward. I thought it sounded crazy, but WOW, after it was over, I felt like I'd been run-over by a truck. Nausea, dizziness, bad smells and tastes...they say if you get massages regularly, it isn't a problem. But like I said, that was 2 years ago and only a half hour long. This one might kill me. Should be neat.
9 days cigarette free and counting....
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