What in the world...
have I been doing? Well, between planning to change jobs, playing Final Fantasy (thanks, D), studying Italian and now, watching the Olympics (they're in Italy, in case ya didn't know), I've been very busy NOT working out or buying shoes. I must apologize for lagging on the blog, e mails, and phone calls. A girl can only do so much! And now it seems that some time must be paid to praying for that rascal P. McCready. For anyone who has been reading my blog comments from Day 1, you know who I am talking about. I know a few things about P, and I even know someone who knows his true identity. But I haven't pressed the matter, as I am determined to figure out who the bandit is on my own. For now, however, it seems that P has gotten himself into a nasty jam and needs our good thoughts (or at least our literary praise). All I can say, is thank goodness for Mrs. Lumpshire!
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