Monday, July 31, 2006

My Own Pull-Up Quest

So Skwigg is up to like a kagillion pull-ups. I'm still working on one. And I'm almost there! I wanted to order the pull-up bar that Skwigg talked about in her blog, but I'm inpatient, and willing to drill a few holes. (I figure at this point, I ain't gettin' the deposit back anyway). So I went to the local Big 5 and got an Everlast bar. What a difference it makes having a bar you can reach without props. The only bar in my gym is like 12 feet up. So now I don't have to lug a work-out bench across the room to make my feeble attempts. Plus, I can try it every time I walk through the door. I feel like a monkey. And ladies, it also doubles as a drying rack for delicate laundry and work-out Spandex! Skwigg's a genius. I'm off to practice now while I watch G.I. Jane!


Blogger Irene said...

I like things that have a double purpose! LOL... I need to get one of those bars.

Any new shoes lately?

10:32 AM  
Blogger fuzzyelf said...

No *new* shoes lately, no. However, I have finally gotton all of my unphotographed shoes out of the closet and filled the camera with film SO..hopefully new pics coming soon. I think I may shoot some of them hanging from the pull-up bar :)

8:01 PM  

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