Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mark your calendars, folks....

...because...drum roll, please....I DID IT!!! I did one pull-up. One glorious, G.I. Jane, no cheating pull-up! When I did it, I was high from the adrenaline that was caused from my getting pulled over by Fresno's finest for having expired registration. NOT MY FAULT. They sent the re-do form to the wrong address, and thank you, thank you, thank you to Mr. Cop for not giving me a ticket. So, do you think I cheated? Maybe, but after a long while of waiting for the 'drenlin to dissipate, I did another pull-up! Ha! So now I've met that goal, and need to set new ones...someone suggested getting to 10 pull-ups by years end. Wish me luck!


Blogger Alexandra said...

Congratulations! I'm still working on the one pull-up. I'm slowly getting there...

But a goal of 10 by the end of the year sounds reasonable! you should go for it!

11:15 AM  

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