Going on a Break
I'll be off until October 1st - so check back then, mateys. Arrgh...and btw - 22 days smoke free!
I'll be off until October 1st - so check back then, mateys. Arrgh...and btw - 22 days smoke free!
There's this really cool place in Fresno that, apparently not too many people in Fresno know about. But people from all over the world come to see it. In fact, they told us that recently Leonardo DiCaprio and fiance came for a private tour. Follow my link for more details, because I'm sure I can't do it justice....Anyway, it's called Forestiere Underground Gardens, and it's this massive underground house. Like I said, I can't describe it well, so check out the website. It was really cool, but they're only open for tours for 2 more weeks. They won't be open again until next May. So, if you're local, get your butt up there - it's totally worth the 10 dollar fee.
I guess in TV land the big debate is whether Meredith is going to pick McDreamy or the vet. (I'm talking about Grey's Anatomy for those of you who don't know) Listen, people, we all know that the whole thing with McDreamy isn't going to be resolved until it's series finale time. Which is looking like it might be a really far way off. Why am I talking about a TV show? They're showing previews for the season premiere and, well, it just reminds me of other great love stories like, Carrie and Mr. Big, Hamlet and Ophelia, E and F, Batman and Robin...you get the picture...
The pull-up contest and the marathon are both looming in the not-distant-enough distance, and as you can imagine, this whole stop-smoking thing has kinda sorta messed up my work-out routine. I'm still exercising, but really, it's feeble and not regular enough. (Don't cry for me, Argentina, my left bicep is still hotty-po-totty.) I've lost weight because the meds I'm on kill the appetite. Which really throws a wrench into the whole "eating six times a day" thing. You'd think you could force it, but that just builds resentment between you and your healthy food. So, I'm still pluggin' away as much as I can right now. And breathing a tincey bit easier, thank you. And as much as I really do want a new shoe reward, I have instead, booked an hour massage for the upcoming weekend. It's supposed to get the toxins outta my system. It really works, people. A couple of years ago, I had a half hour back massage, and I was warned I might get sick afterward. I thought it sounded crazy, but WOW, after it was over, I felt like I'd been run-over by a truck. Nausea, dizziness, bad smells and tastes...they say if you get massages regularly, it isn't a problem. But like I said, that was 2 years ago and only a half hour long. This one might kill me. Should be neat.
Since I'm not exactly in agreement with my doctor about why it is I'm having trouble breathing, I decided to go on-line and have a look-see at side effects of the drugs I'm taking as well as search for info about my symptoms. Apparently, the pill I'm taking can cause anxiety and panic attacks, so that could be the reason for the shortness of breath (but I don't feel anxious). The pill and the patch together can raise your blood pressure and heart rate so, that could be it (except I know it isn't 'cause I'm monitoring for that). The patch could be too strong (but going without it seems to make no difference). According to my research on the Net, I should stop taking any drugs, cease chewing my favorite sugarless gum, have a dentist remove my silver fillings, stop using a cell phone, never eat microwaved food, jump up and down while repeating "take me to my happy place", and never, ever use the Internet again to diagnose myself. Wise advice indeed.
Of course they could; things can always get worse - at least up to the point that they kill you, and not, as some would argue, to the point that you wish they would kill you.
For all you bargain shoe shoppers, here's a little site that gives you ideas for knock-off and cheaper brands (just keep in mind - you get what you pay for): Shoewawa
So, I got home from my day-trip to the coast (it was lovely, thank you) pretty late last night, and since I didn't get much opportunity to smoke whilst out-and-about, (long story short) I stayed up until 2 a.m. smoking every last cigarette I had in my possession while continuing to plow through that physics book. I then only had roughly 3 hours of sleep before getting up, realizing "today's the day", and sticking the first of many nicotine patches to come, on my left scapula. Apparently, I still had quite a bit of nicotine in my system from the Camel-fest last night, and I soon found myself at work, slightly overdosed and completely unable to keep track of my thoughts. Luckily, it was a slow day at the "office", so to speak, so no one seemed to be bothered by the fact that I spent the first hour and a half pacing, rambling and wondering at my lack of mental acuity. Thank goodness it didn't last long, and now, I am able, once again, to focus on things like physics. And math...here's an example of a complex equation I just figured out: This time next year, with all the money I would have spent on cigarettes, I'll be able to buy approximately fifteen hundred dollars worth of lovely shoes! Who says you don't use math in the real world?
I wonder what everyone else is doing for the holiday weekend. I spent yesterday and most of today working out, cleaning, watching movies, surfing the web, dreaming of shoes, preparing for a day trip to the coast tomorrow (my last day as a smoker), and reading. At the risk of sounding like a complete nerdo, I'll tell you that I'm reading a book called In Search of Schrödinger's Cat - Quantum Physics and Reality by John Gribbin. It is absolutely fascinating. At least the first 84 pages anyway. Normally, I'd have a book this size (about 275 pgs) read in about 2-3 days, but this sucker is taking me some serious work to wrap my mind around atomic particles, electrons and photons. I was probably redundant just now, but I'd have to go re-read those 84 pages first to be sure. Anyway, it's good, clean fun, and although I haven't finished it yet (wish me luck!), I'd definitely recommend it to all my fellow wanna-be science geeks. There's even a sequel (Schrödinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality) And who doesn't love sequels?